How to Manage ADHD in Adults

By |2023-10-26T12:58:59+00:00June 16th, 2023|ADHD/ADD, Featured, Individual Counseling|

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is most notably known as a condition that develops in some children under twelve. However, parents and teachers may not recognize the symptoms or choose to chalk up impulsive behaviors and short attention spans as “children being children.” About half of these children will outgrow the symptoms, but the remaining may continue with the behaviors. Thus, ADHD in adults often finds its roots in childhood. ADHD in adults can lead to stress at home and work. In addition, the symptoms may interfere with your daily living and cause tension in relationships. However, there are ways you can learn to manage your ADHD. Symptoms of ADHD in adults The symptoms of ADHD in adults are similar to those in children. However, the stakes are higher when they interfere with your life. Hyperactivity and fidgeting. Moving and speaking quickly. Interrupting others. Little patience. Mood swings and irritability. Unable to focus and concentrate for long periods. Distracted easily. Forgetting important things or losing items. Impulsive behaviors. Risky behaviors with no thought of the consequences. Anxiety and depression. Unable to fall asleep quickly or stay asleep. Starting projects but not finishing them. Moving from task to task and leaving things undone. ADHD in adults can lead to conflict with spouses and coworkers. You may want to consider consulting with a therapist about how to manage your symptoms using psychotherapy methods like talk therapy or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Ways to manage your ADHD You can help ease some of the symptoms of ADHD by adopting new habits. Unfortunately, our lifestyle choices can worsen ADHD in adults. For example, if you consume alcohol or abuse drugs, you may notice a significant increase in anxiety and depression, sleep problems, agitation and mood swings, and restlessness. Consult a therapist if you [...]