Depression or Anger? Signs of Depression in Men

By |2023-10-26T12:57:59+00:00July 8th, 2023|Depression, Featured, Individual Counseling, Men’s Issues|

Depression symptoms are often expressed differently in men than in women. If you are a woman, you may have noticed your husband or son withdrawing from you and becoming increasingly angry. If you are a man, do you feel “off and on edge” most of the time? Are you overwhelmed at work? Are you worried about finances and making mortgage and car payments? Is your family having personal crises like illness, drug abuse, unexpected pregnancy, layoff, or marital strife? These are legitimate concerns. Often, our stressors are compounded, and that combination can send us on a downward spiral toward depression. But the signs can be confusing. Is your husband depressed or just angry? Does he need therapy for depression or anger management classes? Stress presents itself in various ways, and two men may not have the same symptoms. Learn the signs of depression in men to get the help you need. Signs of depression in men Learning the sign of depression in men can help you identify when your loved one is having a challenging time. Some men withdraw from their families and engage in risky behaviors like extramarital affairs while stressed and depressed. Others drink too much alcohol and become angry and violent. Still, other men may turn to suicidal thoughts. Every man is different in how he handles stress, his past experiences, and his current situation. The following is a list of the most common signs of depression in men. Loss of interest in pleasurable activities. A common sign of depression is a loss of interest in hobbies and activities once enjoyed. Does your husband love to play golf on the weekends? Does he typically unwind after a long day playing computer or video games? When was the last time he participated in any of his favorite [...]