Our society enjoys more freedoms than any other on earth. While one would think that there are no downsides, those same freedoms can be sources of stress for some people. If you find yourself paralyzed by questions of who you are, who you want to be, and what you want out of life, or if you are struggling to get through such issues as depression, anxiety, trauma, grief, or relationship problems, individual Christian counseling in Newbury Park, California might be for you.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(424) 361-6196

The Goal of Individual Counseling

Counseling still carries a stigma in our society, often being viewed as something for the weak-minded or unstable. Sadly, this is often true even of those who would most benefit from it, preventing them from seeking the help they need.

The reality is that counseling it commonplace and all sorts of people could benefit from it. Christian counseling is designed to help you find healing from whatever issues you may be struggling with at mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Your counselor will assist you as you pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses and help you to know and understand yourself better.

Your counselor in Newbury Park will work closely with you to address any issues with which you are currently struggling. They will provide you with a safe place to open up about your concerns and will work with you to develop a plan that addresses your specific needs.

Though the methods might differ from person to person or from counselor to counselor, one thing that all counseling practices have in common is the desire to help you identify and realize your goals and to address negative thought patterns or behavior patterns that are preventing you from moving forward.

If you have grown tired of carrying your burden of stress and uncertainty and you need a helping hand to overcome the obstacles, give individual Christian counseling a try. The counselors at Newbury Park Christian Counseling can help you learn and grow as you confront the things that are holding you back and begin to achieve your goals.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(424) 361-6196