Spiritual Development

The Pursuit of a Life Well Lived: Bible Verses About Life

2024-11-07T06:44:21+00:00August 3rd, 2023|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

What is life all about, and what makes for a life well-lived? We all pursue the good life or versions of what we think approximate the good life. A part of what it means to be American is the pursuit of happiness. The problem is that what we think life is all about, and what we think will make us happy, is often a cul-de-sac that doesn’t take us where we want to go. There are many Bible verses about life that can help. Bible verses about life One way of looking at the entire storyline of the Bible is to see it as the contest between life and death. God is the source of life, of all that is good, right, pure, noble, lovely, and beautiful (Philippians 4: 8-9; James 1:17; John 1:4). Turning away from God and choosing our own path is choosing death because life – true, deep, rich, and abundant life – cannot be found anywhere else. Throughout the Bible, God is calling people to return to Him, to find life, and we resist God’s invitation to pursue our own path, to our peril. Some Bible verses about life are below: Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” – Luke 12:15, NIV If we’re honest with ourselves, our lives are often structured around the acquisition of things. Our energies are poured into tasks to be able to acquire more. That’s not to say every waking moment is spent trying to accumulate more possessions, but it’s to say that things capture our imagination and seem to function as a measure of success and a meaningful life. We desire great cars, vacations, the latest tech, trendy clothes, and designer [...]

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Seeking Renewal: Bible Verses about New Beginnings

2024-11-07T06:45:17+00:00April 28th, 2023|Featured, Individual Counseling, Spiritual Development|

Our ability to forget in favor of new beginnings just might be one of the greatest blessings we’ve been given. Sometimes the past is a network of scars, and no rose-tinted glasses can stir up longing for days gone by. People carry many scars with them, whether literal or figurative. Having those experiences ever before them is an added weight to their everyday struggles. Forgetting can help us cope with our past that’s wounded us. However, one remarkable thing about God is how our mourning and pain can, in His delicate hands, be transformed into wells of strength and hard-won wisdom. What was meant for evil and destruction, God can overturn and use for good and to accomplish His purposes. Joseph said this to his brothers after they had sold him into slavery and God used Joseph to save many (Genesis 50:20). God can provide us with new beginnings even when things seem to be at an end and there’s no hope. Why we need new beginnings Everyone has a past. That past is often filled with pain and regret. Some has been inflicted upon us by other people, or we have inflicted pain upon others. Sometimes it is through our own decisions that we bring pain upon ourselves. Pain and regret can leave you feeling stuck. Whether you feel unable to have a romantic relationship because of what a former partner did to you, or whether you are roiling in resentment toward a person who’s in your life right now, the result is the same. Being stuck like this can make you unproductive, and it takes away from your flourishing as a person. We need new beginnings because we are broken people living in a broken world. Other people’s brokenness gets inflicted upon us. This could be from [...]

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When You Lose Someone: Bible Verses About Loss

2024-11-07T06:46:11+00:00November 15th, 2021|Featured, Grief Counseling, Individual Counseling, Spiritual Development|

Looking for Bible verses about loss? Maybe this article will help. The connections that we form with the people in our lives are precious. We put ourselves on the line whenever we love someone, exposing ourselves to potential heartache. As C.S. Lewis once wrote in The Four Loves: “To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.” For us to be fully human, we need to love others and be in relationship with them, and so the route of selfishness, while it seems safer, is the route towards being something less than human. If to love is to be vulnerable, then nowhere is that vulnerability shown more than when we lose a loved one. Bible Verses About Loss The loss of a loved one is a hardship all of us will face at one point in our lives or another. It’s part of the human condition, and so it’s no wonder that the Bible addresses this all-too-human reality. Although we all experience loss, that does not mean that we all experience it the same way. The Bible gives us wisdom and words of encouragement that can sustain us regardless of the journey we find ourselves on. Here are several Bible verses about loss. A time and season for everything Having a keen and open-eyed understanding of the [...]

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Asking for Forgiveness: When, Why, and How

2024-11-07T06:46:27+00:00September 21st, 2021|Featured, Individual Counseling, Relationship Issues, Spiritual Development|

In every relationship, be it at work or in your personal life, there comes a time when things go wrong. Promises are made and they aren’t kept, thoughtless actions happen, or words are spoken that should not have been. When that happens, we have several options. We can choose to double down and defend ourselves for what we said, did, or didn’t say or do. Some people will go as far as gaslighting others, telling them that they never said or did what they are being accused of. Or we can choose to apologize, recognizing openly that we did the wrong thing, and address the pain we’ve caused. In some ways apologizing is simple, but have you ever had someone apologize to you and you just couldn’t accept it because it felt forced, trite, and insincere? Or have you ever apologized to someone, but you knew that you were simply going through the motions of something you’re supposed to do? A sincere and heartfelt apology will go a long way and knowing what a meaningful apology looks like will go a long way in helping you in your relationships when you need to apologize. Why ask for forgiveness? Is it important to apologize and ask for forgiveness? Some people do not want to apologize for anything because doing so would lead them to relinquish their anger, emotional distance, and irritability, which they are more comfortable with than vulnerability. Other people struggle with asking for forgiveness because apologizing opens the door to shame, making them feel bad about themselves as people because of what they’ve done. Apologies are threatening to their basic sense of self-esteem and identity, and they would rather not apologize than open themselves up to facing their fears. Apologizing, however, is not traumatic or damaging to either [...]

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